Nancy Wimmer
Nancy Wimmer specializes
in microfinance and renewable energy:
• Promotes entrepreneurship in developing countries
• Researches innovation for rural electrification
• Advises entrepreneurs in rural electrification
• Integrates international experts
• Cooperates with universities on case studies on rural business (e.g. Santa Clara University USA)

Selected keynotes
Selected projects
2019 Published The Marketmakers - Solar for the Hinterland of Bangladesh
2016 Researched the design and operation of the solar market in rural Bangladesh
2014 Guided energy entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, D.R. Congo, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Nigeria and The Philippines
2012 Published Green Energy for a Billion Poor
2010 Planned a municipality's transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy utilization
2008 Researched innovations to steer the course of rural electrification
2007 Analyzed rural energy service enterprises in Bangladesh
2006 Advised an African Government on microfinance for rural electrification
2005 Initiated the replication of a leading business model for rural energy services
2003 Study on private investment in microfinance for rural electrification
2002 Investigated wordwide interests in rural renewable energy business
2001 Co-organized the startup of a private rural Internet service provider
2000 Co-organized a private investment fund for solar enterprise
1999 Investigated business opportunities for rural Internet providers
1997 Co-organized the global Microcredit Summit
1996 Researched the evolution of a microcredit bank in Honduras
1995 Co-organized growth funding for a leading microfinance institution
1994 Co-organized European Union Funding of Microfinance for Women Entrepreneurs