Nancy Wimmer

Nancy Wimmer and Muhammad Yunus,
Nobel Laureate and Founder Grameen Bank
Nancy Wimmer is director of the renewable energy research company microSOLAR and advisor to the World Council for Renewable Energy.
She has served German industry as a systems analyst and lectured at the University of the German Armed Forces. She later worked with the German Government, the European Parliament, the World Bank and United Nations Foundation in support of microfinance and rural electrification in developing countries.
From 1989 to 1999 Nancy was National Director of the international citzens' advocacy RESULTS in Germany.
Her work with the Nobel Prize winning Grameen Bank in Bangladesh began in the 1990s. She has since worked with microfinance institutions in Egypt, El Salvador, India, Honduras, Nepal and Peru. Nancy is author of :
Green Energy for a Billion Poor—How Grameen Shakti created a Winning Model for Social Business (2012)
The Marketmakers—Solar for the Hinterland of Bangladesh (2019)
Both books describe groundbreaking models how to succeed in rural electrification.
Nancy, an American citizen, holds a Masters of Philosophy.